以下是搜尋 "虎豹潭" 的結果

New Taipei to pay compensation over child’s death

... The incident occurred on Oct. 16, 2021, when six people were swept away by the river during a guided group tour along the Hubaotan Old Trail (虎豹潭古道) in New Taipei City’s Shuangsi District (雙溪). W

昨天 00:00 | Taipei Times | 關鍵字: 北勢溪  

虎豹潭6死案又1家屬提國賠 新北市府遭判賠16.8萬    (5)


大前天 17:52 | 聯合新聞網 | 關鍵字: 新北市府   死者家屬   蔡姓   上訴   暴漲   國賠   法院   家屬   地方法院   虎豹潭