以下是搜尋 "李振豪" 的結果
Court upholds 18-year sentence for human trafficker...ced labor in Cambodia.In late last month, the Supreme Court found no issues with the prison sentence handed to crime ring leader Lee Chen-hao (李振豪), who had denied any wrongdoing during his trial at the Taipei District Court.The sentence remains unchanged since the district court’s initi |
台臨記招募民眾赴柬從事詐騙 判囚18年確定 (4)曾在電影《角頭》擔任臨時演員的台灣男子李振豪,自2021年11月起招募民眾前往柬埔寨從事電訊詐騙工。案件去年4月一審,李男依人口販運、私行拘禁等罪被判 |
竹聯東堂大哥李振豪 判18年定讞/誘騙85國人赴柬埔寨淪豬仔 (8)〔記者溫于德/台北報導〕竹聯幫東堂大哥李振豪,勾結柬埔寨人蛇,誘騙八十八名國人赴柬,除了三人出國前脫險外,其餘八十五人赴柬淪為「豬仔」遭拘禁 |