以下是搜尋 "張峻" 的結果
Caution urged for people with high blood pressure...diet by limiting oily or salty foods, and abide by doctors’ instructions when taking prescription medications, a doctor said.Chang Chun-cheng (張峻誠), a neurology physician at Lee’s General Hospital in Taichung, gave an example of a 54-year-old man, surnamed Lou (羅), who had a stroke an |
日職/火球男張峻瑋加盟軟銀 盼2年上一軍成讓人信賴選手 (5)...加入日職福岡軟銀鷹隊。 軟銀球團今天在日本福岡市替張峻瑋舉辦加盟記者會,張峻瑋自評個性不喜歡輸,希望可以在頂尖棒球賽場上競爭;至於離鄉異地打拚,張峻瑋認為語言是最擔心的部分,但會努力學習,希望之後 |
陶藝結合客家文化!張峻瑜師生展即起桃市圖新屋分館亮相 (2)「百福陶緣客庄之美-2024張峻瑜師生展」於昨(16)日至12月30日在桃園市立圖書館新屋分館正式展出,由陶藝家張峻瑜帶領12位近千歲學員展出陶刻、陶塑、陶板、陶板刻、磁刻、陶雕、 |