以下是搜尋 "吳子雲" 的結果

Mom to pay son for throwing out comics

... the objects destroyed was not great, the court ruled that Chien should pay NT$5,000 in damages.Commenting on the case, online author Neal Wu (吳子雲) on Tuesday shared his own experience, saying he was so angry at his mother for throwing away his comic collection in high school that he refus

11小時23分鐘前 | Taipei Times | 關鍵字: 進擊的巨人  

漫畫曾被母親扔光 作家吳子雲:這件事不是丟了漫畫那麼簡單    (2)


4天前 08:15 | 自由時報 | 關鍵字: 母親   自由時報   嘉義   電玩   玩具   高中   冷戰   進擊的巨人   提告   吳子雲