以下是搜尋 "吳介民" 的結果

半導體巨擘在台瘋買廠! 中研院吳介民拋「矽盾2.0」


5天前 20:58 | 華視新聞 | 關鍵字: 半導體   中研院   巨擘   台積電   日月光   晶片   戰略   美光   地緣政治   吳介民  

Taiwan’s security key to global safety, expert says

... Taiwan’s security is key to global security, Academia Sinica Institute of Sociology researcher Wu Jieh-min (吳介民) said about the “Silicon Shield 2.0” strategy he introduced at a security forum last month.It aims to ensure the security of the Taiwan Str

5天前 00:00 | Taipei Times | 關鍵字: 吳介民