以下是搜尋 "張祐銓" 的結果

Two thousand join march for meatless school meals

...ote awareness of the issue and to encourage respect for life.“We want more people to be more aware of a vegan diet,” said Chang You-chuan (張祐銓), director-general of the Sustainable Healthy Diets Research Institute, the organizer of yesterday’s parade.

4天前 00:00 | Taipei Times | 關鍵字:   

超過2千人凱道拚蔬贏 「植植走大遊行」呼籲政府盡速推動蔬食政策應對氣候危機    (6)


5天前 17:36 | yam蕃薯藤 | 關鍵字: 蔬食   政府   飲食   協會   氣候   大遊行   永續   素食   智庫   中華