以下是搜尋 "公職人員" 的結果
人都打沒了? 俄羅斯全面封殺「頂克思想」!重罰百萬、外國人還會被驅逐...現宣傳頂客思想的行為,違法人員將面臨高額罰款。依照情節輕重,個人將被處以 5 萬至 20 萬盧布的罰款;公職人員 10 萬至 80 萬盧布;企業法人則將面臨 80 萬至 500 萬盧布(約 163 萬新台幣)罰款,尤其若涉及媒體或社交平台 |
Minister questioned about Chinese eligibility for office...ot renounce their foreign citizenship within one year, their credentials would be revoked under the Public Officials Election and Recall Act (公職人員選舉罷免法), Liu said.The issue becomes more complicated when it comes to Chinese citizens, due to the status of cross-strait issues under |